Sterling continues to fall against other currencies

Friday 14th November 
The sterling sell off continues this week, as expectations of an interest rate hike in the UK are pushed back. The chart below shows how the rate has moved over the last few days:

There hasn’t been any further data to cause the drop, and the fall is purely investors continuing to dump the Pound due to the fact interest rates are not going up any time soon, as I outlined in my last post on Wednesday. 

The drop has been quite significant. Purchasing €250,000.00 today compared to Friday morning would cost you £4,400.00 more, purely due to exchange rate movements over 2 days. This demonstrates how quickly things can change, and how important it is to get your timing right with regards to when to fix your exchange rate. 

Getting the best exchange rates 

If you need to buy or sell any international currency on a bank to bank transfer basis, then get in touch with today by clicking here. I can discuss what is happening with exchange rates, the forecasts where experts expect the rate to go in the coming weeks and months, and provide you a quote to compare with your bank or existing broker. 

It’s free to make an enquiry, and you could save thousands of Pounds by achieve a better exchange rate. 

Click here to make a free enquiry today.

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